4th IAG-EGU Intensive Course

Geomorphic services for environmental change understanding: from field surveying to dynamic and systemic risks evaluation

12-15 September 2025,
Zoological Research Station of the University of Bucharest, Sinaia, ROMANIA

NEW! The detailed programme of the Intensive Course is now available. Access and download here: Detailed_Programme_Intensive_Course

NEW! In recognition of their activity, the University of Bucharest will award the participants with 2 ECTS credits

Registration is OPEN

Submit your application here: YGs_Course_Application_Form

Applications submission deadline: January 31st, 2025

Notification on acceptance: February 24th, 2025

Intensive Course Aim is to offer the possibility to the ECSs to gain fundamental knowledge and train practical skills in field recognition, survey, measurement and laboratory data modeling, under the close supervision of an experienced team representing top international scientific associations like the IAG (IAG Training Programme for Young Geomorphologists), EGU (Geomorphology and Natural Hazards Divisions), and International Geographical Union (Young and Early Career Geographers Commission). The intensive course will provide training for future specialists in experimenting and applying complementary field investigation techniques, for evaluating climate change impact in sensitive mountain environments and applying knowledge on disaster risk reduction and risk management.


  • Field mapping of geomorphological features related to representative natural hazards (snow avalanches, rock falls, rock avalanches, soil erosion)
  • Field measurements: remote sensing (optic and LiDAR UAV surveys, terrestrial laser scanning), geophysics (ERT and GPR); sampling procedures for absolute dating; sampling for dendrogeomorphology applications in avalanche-prone areas
  • GIS interpretation and deterministic assessment of measurement data for hazard and risk evaluation
  • Basic concepts of novel approaches like impact chain analysis, systemic vulnerability and dynamic risks assessments
  • Risk communication


– limited to 20 participants
– 200 EUR (transportation from Bucharest-Otopeni Airport to Sinaia and from Sinaia to Timisoara; accommodation in double rooms; meals, coffee breaks and ice breaker; field transportation; field and lab materials and documents)
– IAG and IGU travel grants will be available; registration forms: available from September 2024. IAG grants for Young Geomorphologists will be offered to undergraduate or postgraduate students or scientists who have received their highest degree (i.e. BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past seven years.

Programme Committee

Anita BERNATEK-JAKIEL (ECS), Jagiellonian University in Kraków; IAG Young Geomorphologists Training Programme
Kristen COOK, University of Grenoble; EGU Division on Geomorphology President
Andrea CORONATO, CADIC-CONICET Ushuaia; Vice-President of the IAG
Olena IVANIK, Taras Sevchenko University in Kyiv; Chair of European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Technical Community on Geohazards
Narges KARAMINEJAD (ECS), Shiraz University; IAG – Developing communications among Young Geomorphologists
Efthimios KARYMBALIS, Harokopio University of Athens; IAG Young Geomorphologists Training Programme
Mihai MICU, Romanian Academy, Bucharest; Vice-President of IAG
Gabriela MOROSANU (ECS), Romanian Academy, Bucharest; IGU Young and Early Career Geographers Commission Chair
Florin TATUI, University of Bucharest; President of RAG (Romanian Association of Geomorphologists)
Mauro SOLDATI, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, President of AIGeo (Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology)

Organizing Committee

Florina ARDELEAN, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Andrei IONITA (ECS), West University of Timisoara, Romania
Florin MIRON (ECS), University of Bucharest
Olimpiu POP, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca; Vice-President of RAG
Sanda ROSCA, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca; Co-coordinator of RAG Young Geomorphologists Group
Laura TIRLA, University of Bucharest; Secretary-General of RAG
Mirela VASILE (ECS), University of Bucharest; Treasurer of RAG
Mircea VOICULESCU, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Assistant Teachers

Cristian ARDELEAN, West University of Timisoara
Patrick CHIROIU, West University of Timisoara
Nicusor NECULA, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi
Razvan POPESCU, University of Bucharest
Mirela VASILE, University of Bucharest